



Capítulos Publicados en Libros

  1. M. Rivera, J. Muñoz and C. Baier, «DSP controllers for three-phase unity-power-factor rectifiers», Control Circuits in Power Electronics: Practical issues in design and implementation, pp. 147-184. IET Press, 2016. DOI: 10.1049/PBPO072e_ch7.

  2. P. Melín,  J. Espinoza,  C. Baier, J. Rohten (2017). «Cascaded H‐Bridge Converters Based on Current‐Source Inverters: Analysis, Design, and Application on AC Drives», Recent Developments on Power Inverters, Dr. Ali Saghafinia (Ed.), InTech, Available from:


Artículos Publicados en Revistas

  1. Carlos R. Baier, Pedro E. Melin, Miguel A. Torres, Roberto O. Ramirez, Carlos Muñoz, and Agustin Quinteros. «Developing and Evaluating the Operating Region of a Grid-Connected Current Source Inverter from Its Mathematical Model» Mathematics 12, 2024, no. 12: 1775.

  2. A. Carreno, M. Malinowski, M. A. Perez and C. R. Baier, «Circulating Active Power Flow Analysis in a Hybrid Transformer With the Series Converter Connected to the Primary Side,» in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, doi: 10.1109/TIE.2023.3347856.

  3. M. Ángeles Medina-Quesada, F. M. Serra, C. R. Baier-Fuentes, O. D. Montoya-Giraldo, J. A. P. Soares, B. W. França, J. de la C. Hernández, (2024). Network for the Large-Scale Integration of Renewable Energies in Electrical Systems (RIBIERSE-CYTED, 723RT0150): Results for 2023. Ingeniería, 29(1), e21950.

  4. Marciel, Esteban I., Carlos R. Baier, Roberto O. Ramírez, Carlos A. Muñoz, Marcelo A. Pérez, and Mauricio Arevalo. «Operation Assessment of a Hybrid Distribution Transformer Compensating for Voltage and Power Factor Using Predictive Control» Mathematics 2024, 12, no. 5: 774.

  5. Veillon, Matías, Eduardo Espinosa, Pedro Melin, Galina Mirzaeva, Marco Rivera, Carlos R. Baier, and Roberto O. Ramirez. 2024. «Improved Feedback Quantizer with Discrete Space Vector» Sensors 24, no. 1: 287.

  6. Roberto O. Ramirez, Carlos R. Baier, Felipe Villarroel, Eduardo Espinosa, Mauricio Arévalo and Jose R. Espinoza. «Reduction of DC Capacitor Size in Three-Phase Input/Single-Phase Output Power Cells of Multi-Cell Converters through Resonant and Predictive Control: A Characterization of Its Impact on the Operating Region« Mathematics 2023, 11, no. 14: 3038.

  7. Jorge L. SaavedraCarlos R. Baier, Esteban I. Marciel, Marco Rivera, Alvaro Carreno, Jesús C. Hernandez, and Pedro E. Melín.  «Comparison of FCS-MPC Strategies in a Grid-Connected Single-Phase Quasi-Z Source Inverter« Electronics 2023, 12, no. 9: 2052.

  8. Carlos R. Baier, Jesus C. Hernández, and Patrick Wheeler. «Measurements, Predictions, and Control in Microgrids and Power Electronic Systems« Sensors 2023, no. 8: 4038.

  9. Pérez, Ricardo, Marco Rivera, Yamisleydi Salgueiro, Carlos R. Baier, and Patrick Wheeler. 2023. «Moving Microgrid Hierarchical Control to an SDN-Based Kubernetes Cluster: A Framework for Reliable and Flexible Energy Distribution» Sensors 2023, no. 7: 3395.

  10. C. R. Baier, F. A. Villarroel, M. A. Torres, M. A. Pérez, J. C. Hernández and E. E. Espinosa, «A Predictive Control Scheme for a Single-Phase Grid-Supporting Quasi-Z-Source Inverter and Its Integration With a Frequency Support Strategy,» in IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 5337-5351, 2023, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3236499.

  11. F. A. Villarroel, J.R. Espinoza, M.A. Perez, C. R. Baier, J.A. Rohten, R. O. Ramirez, E. Pulido, J.J. Silva «A Predictive Shortest-Horizon Voltage Control Algorithm for Non-Minimum Phase Three-Phase Rectifiers,» in IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 107598-107615, 2022, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3212731.

  12. M. Diaz-Bustos, C. R. Baier, M.A. Torres, P.E. Melin, P. Acuna, «Application of a Control Scheme Based on Predictive and Linear Strategy for Improved Transient State and Steady-State Performance in a Single-Phase Quasi-Z-Source Inverter«. Sensors 2022, 22, 2458.

  13. P.E. Melín, C.R Baier, E.E. Espinosa, J.R. Espinoza, «Cascaded H-Bridge Converter Based on Current-Source Inverter with DC Links Magnetically Coupled to Reduce the DC Inductors Value«. Energies 2022, 15, 324. 

  14. P. Melín, C. Baier, E. Espinosa, J. Riedemann, J. Espinoza and R. Peña, «Study of the Open-Source Arduino DUE Board as Digital Control Platform for Three-Phase Power Converters,» in IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 7574-7587, 2022, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3138705

  15. E. Espinosa, P. Melin, H. Garcés, C. Baier and J. Espinoza, «Multicell AFE Rectifier Managed by Finite Control Set – Model Predictive Control,» in IEEE Access, 2021, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3116938. *(Open Access)

  16. E. Espinosa, J. Espinoza, P. Melín, J. Rohten, C. Baier, and M. Reyes. 2021. «Finite Control Set—Model Predictive Control with Non-Spread Spectrum and Reduced Switching Frequency Applied to Multi-Cell Rectifiers» Energies, 2021, 14, no. 19: 6045.

  17. C. R. Baier, R. Ramirez, E. I. Marciel, J. C. Hernandez, P. E. Melin and E. E. Espinosa, «FCS-MPC without Steady-State Error Applied to a Grid-Connected Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter,» in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 36, no. 10, pp. 11785-11799, Oct. 2021, doi: 10.1109/TPEL.2021.3065003.

  18. C. Muñoz, M. Rivera, A. Villalón, C. R. Baier, J. Muñoz, R.O. Ramirez, P. Wheeler, «Predictive Control with Current-Based Maximum Power Point-Tracking for On-Grid Photovoltaic Applications«. Sustainability 2021, 13, 3037. 

  19. E. Espinosa, P. Melín, C. Baier, J. Espinoza, H. Garcés. «An Efficiency Analysis of 27 Level Single-Phase Asymmetric Inverter without Regeneration«. Energies, vol. 14, no. 5, p. 1459. Mar. 2021 

  20. A. Carreno, M. Perez, C. Baier, A. Huang, S. Rajendran, and M. Malinowski, “Configurations, Power Topologies and Applications of Hybrid Distribution Transformers,” Energies, vol. 14, no. 5, p. 1215, Feb. 2021. 

  21. J. C. Hernández and C. R. Baier, “Photovoltaic Power,” Sustainability, vol. 13, no. 4, p. 2123, Feb. 2021. *(Open Access)

  22. F. Villarroel, J. Espinoza, M.A. Perez, R. Ramirez, C. R. Baier, D. Sbarbaro, J. Silva, M. Reyes, «Stable shortest horizon FCS-MPC output voltage control in non-minimum phase boost-type converters based on input-state linearization,» in IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, doi: 10.1109/TEC.2021.3055733.

  23. Jaime A. Rohten, David N. Dewar, Pericle Zanchetta, Andrea Formentini, Javier A. Muñoz, Carlos R. Baier, José J. Silva; «Multivariable Deadbeat Control of Power Electronics Converters with Fast Dynamic Response and Fixed Switching Frequency» Energies 14, 2021, no. 2: 313. 

  24. D. Murillo-Yarce, J. Alarcón-Alarcón, M. Rivera, C. Restrepo, J. Muñoz, C. Baier, P. Wheeler, «A Review of Control Techniques in Photovoltaic Systems.» Sustainability 2020, 12, 10598. 

  25. R. O. Ramírez, C. R. Baier, F. Villarroel, J. Espinoza, J. Pou and J. Rodríguez, «A Hybrid FCS-MPC with Low and Fixed Switching Frequency without Steady-State Error Applied to a Grid-Connected CHB Inverter,» in IEEE Access, 2020, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3044226

  26. M. Rivera, S. Rojas, C. Restrepo, J. Muñoz, C. Baier, P. Wheeler. «Control Techniques for a Single-Phase Matrix Converter». Energies 2020, 13, 6337. ; 

  27. J.C. Hernandez;F. Sanchez-Sutil;A. Cano-Ortega; C.R. Baier, «Influence of Data Sampling Frequency on Household Consumption Load Profile Features: A Case Study in Spain.» Sensors 2020, 20, 6034.; 

  28. R. O. RamirezC. R. Baier, J. R. Espinoza and F. Villarroel, “Finite Control Set MPC with Fixed Switching Frequency Applied to a Grid Connected Single-Phase Cascade H-Bridge Inverter,” Energies 2020, Vol.13, N°20 ; *(Open Access)

  29. J. C. Hernández, F. Sanchez-Sutil, F. J. Muñoz-Rodríguez, and C. R. Baier,Optimal sizing and management strategy for PV household-prosumers with self-consumption/sufficiency enhancement and provision of frequency containment reserve,” Appl. Energy, vol. 277, p. 115529, Nov. 2020, doi: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2020.115529.

  30. M. A. Torres, R. Tonkoski, and C. R. Baier, “Operating Region of a Genset-Based Virtual Synchronous Generator,” IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 136382–136392, 2020, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3011154.

  31. P. Melin, J. Guzman, F. Hernandez, C. Baier, J. Munoz, J. Espinoza, E. Espinosa «Analysis and Control Strategy for a Current-Source based D-STATCOM Towards Minimum Losses» in International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Vol.116, March 2020, 105532.

  32. R. O. Ramírez ; J. R. Espinoza ; C. R. Baier, M. Rivera, F. Villarroel, J. Guzman, P. E. Melín «Finite-State Model Predictive Control with Integral Action Applied to a Single-Phase Z-Source Inverter,» in IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics. Vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 228-239, Mar. 2019.

  33. C. R. Baier, Miguel Torres, P. Acuna, J. Muñoz V, P. Melin, C. Restrepo, J.I. Guzman, “Analysis and Design of a Control Strategy for Tracking Sinusoidal References in Single-Phase Grid-Connected Current-Source Inverters,” in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 819-832, Jan. 2018.

  34. H. Ramirez; C. Restrepo; T. Konjedic; J. Calvente; A. Romero; C. R. Baier; R. Giral, «Efficiency Comparison of Fuel-Cell Hybrid Systems Based on the Noninverting Buck-Boost Converter,» in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 1237-1246, Feb. 2018.

  35. P. Acuna, R. P. Aguilera, A. M. Y. M. Ghias, M. Rivera, C. R. Baier and V. G. Agelidis, «Cascade-Free Model Predictive Control for Single-Phase Grid-Connected Power Converters,» in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 64, no. 1, pp. 285-294, Jan. 2017

  36. P. E. Melin Rohten, J.R. Espinoza, C.R. Baier, E.E. Espinosa, J.A. Munoz, J.A. Riedemann, «Analysis and Design of a Multicell Topology Based on Three-Phase/Single-Phase Current-Source Cells,» in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 31, no. 9, pp. 6122-6133, Sept. 2016.

  37. C. R. Baier, J.R. Espinoza, M. Rivera, J.A. Munoz, Bin Wu, P.E. Melin, V. Yaramasu, «Improving Power Quality in Cascade Multilevel Converters Based on Single-Phase Nonregenerative Power Cells,» IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol.61, no.9, pp.4498,4509, Sept. 2014.

  38. J. A. Munoz, J.R. Espinoza, C.R. Baier, L.A. Moran, J.I. Guzman, V.M. Cardenas, «Decoupled and Modular Harmonic Compensation for Multilevel STATCOMs» Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on , vol.61, no.6, pp.2743,2753, June 2014.

  39. M. Rivera, C. Rojas, A. Wilson, J. Rodriguez, J. Espinoza, C. Baier, J. Muñoz, «Review of predictive control methods to improve the input current of an indirect matrix converter» Power Electronics, IET , vol.7, no.4, pp.886,894, April 2014.

  40. C. A. Sepulveda, J.A. Munoz, J.R. Espinoza, M.E. Figueroa, C.R. Baier, «FPGA v/s DSP Performance Comparison for a VSC-Based STATCOM Control Application,» Industrial Informatics, IEEE Transactions on , vol.9, no.3, pp.1351,1360, Aug. 2013

  41. Guzman, J.I.; Melin, P.E.; Espinoza, J.R.; Moran, L.A.; Baier, C.R.; Munoz, J.A.; Guinez, G.A., «Digital Implementation of Selective Harmonic Elimination Techniques in Modular Current Source Rectifiers,» IEEE Trans. Ind. Informatics , vol.9, no.2, pp.1167,1177, May 2013.

  42. Munoz, J.A.; Espinoza, J.R.; Baier, C.R.; Moran, L.A.; Espinosa, E.E.; Melin, P.E.; Sbarbaro, D.G., «Design of a Discrete-Time Linear Control Strategy for a Multicell UPQC,» IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron, vol.59, no.10, pp.3797,3807, Oct. 2012.

  43. Melin, P.E.; Espinoza, J.R.; Moran, L.A.; Rodriguez, J.R.; Cardenas, V.M.; Baier, C.R.; Munoz, J.A., «Analysis, Design and Control of a Unified Power-Quality Conditioner Based on a Current-Source Topology,» Power Delivery, IEEE Transactions on , vol.27, no.4, pp.1727,1736, Oct. 2012.

  44. Baier, C.R.; Espinoza, J.R.; Munoz, J.A.; Moran, L.A.; Melin, P.E., «A High-Performance Multicell Topology Based on Single-Phase Power Cells for Three-Phase Systems Operating Under Unbalanced AC Mains and Asymmetrical Loads,» IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron , vol.57, no.8, pp.2730,2738, Aug. 2010.

  45. Munoz, J.A.; Espinoza, J.R.; Moran, L.A.; Baier, C.R., «Design of a Modular UPQC Configuration Integrating a Components Economical Analysis,» Power Delivery, IEEE Transactions on , vol.24, no.4, pp.1763,1772, Oct. 2009.

  46. Baier, C.R.; Guzman, J.I.; Espinoza, J.R.; Perez, M.A.; Rodriguez, J.R., «Performance Evaluation of a Multicell Topology Implemented With Single-Phase Nonregenerative Cells Under Unbalanced Supply Voltages,» IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron, vol.54, no.6, pp.2969,2978, Dec. 2007.


Articulos en Proceedings de Conferencias


  1. F. Villarroel, J. Espinoza, M. Pérez, D. Sbárbaro, R. Ramírez and C. Baier, «A new discretization method of model equations for predictive power converter control applications based on input-state linearization,» IECON 2022 – 48th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Brussels, Belgium, 2022, pp. 1-5. doi: 10.1109/IECON49645.2022.9968545

  2. Eduardo Espinosa, Matías Veillón, Pedro Melin, Carlos Baier, Javier Muñoz, José Espinoza, J.C. Hernandez, «A Staircase Modulation for Asymmetric Inverter Operating with Equals Fundamental Voltage and Minimum THD,» IECON 2022 – 48th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Brussels, Belgium, 2022, pp. 1-7. doi: 10.1109/IECON49645.2022.9968523

  3. Hugo Gallardo, Luis Martinez, Johan Guzmán, Pedro Melín, Carlos Baier, Javier Muñoz, Eduardo Espinosa, «A Comparison Among Different Staggered Optimized Gating Patterns for Asymmetric Single-Phase Current Source Inverters,» 2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/XXIV Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control (ICA-ACCA), Valparaíso, Chile, 2021, pp. 1-6. doi: 10.1109/ICAACCA51523.2021.9465261

  4. Carlos Martínez, Jaime Rohten, Matías Garbarino, Marcos Andreu, José Silva, Carlos Baier, Rodrigo Morales, «Operating Region for AFE Configuration under Variable Frequency Grid,» 2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/XXIV Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control (ICA-ACCA), Valparaíso, Chile, 2021, pp. 1-6. doi: 10.1109/ICAACCA51523.2021.9465199

  5. D. Rojas, M. Rivera, J. Muñoz, C. Baier and P. Wheeler, «A study of weighting factor design in model predictive control applications,» 2021 IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON), Valparaíso, Chile, 2021, pp. 1-5. doi: 10.1109/CHILECON54041.2021.9702932

  6. Jhon Henríquez, Eduardo Espinosa, Matías Veillon, Hugo Garcés, Pedro Melín, Marcelo Reyes, Carlos Baier, Galina Mirzaeva, «A performance and efficiency comparison of an AFE rectifier with Finite Control Set – Model Predictive Control and Feedback Quantizer,» 2021 IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON), Valparaíso, Chile, 2021, pp. 1-7, doi: 10.1109/CHILECON54041.2021.9702994

  7. D. Rojas, M. Rivera, J. Muñoz, C. Baier and P. Wheeler, «Predictive Current Control Applied to a 3L-NPC Inverter,» 2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/XXIV Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control (ICA-ACCA), Valparaíso, Chile, 2021, pp. 1-7, doi: 10.1109/ICAACCA51523.2021.9465309

  8. Duberney Murillo-Yarce, Marco Rivera, Carlos Restrepo, Javier Muñoz, Carlos Baier, Raúl Rodríguez, Patrick Wheeler, Pericle Zanchetta, Galina Mirzaeva, «Common-Mode Voltage Reduction in a VSI Inverter Applying Sequential Predictive Control,» 2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/XXIV Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control (ICA-ACCA), Valparaíso, Chile, 2021, pp. 1-6. doi: 10.1109/ICAACCA51523.2021.9465321

  9. Matías Veillon, Eduardo Espinosa, Hugo Garcés, Pedro Melín, Marcelo Reyes, Carlos Baier, Galina Mirzaeva, «Feedback Quantizer and Non Linear Control Applied to Multi-Cell AFE Rectifier,» 2021 IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON), Valparaíso, Chile, 2021, pp. 1-6. doi: 10.1109/CHILECON54041.2021.9702974

  10. Eduardo Espinosa; Marcelo Reyes; Hugo Garcés; Pedro Melin; José Espinoza; Marco Rivera; Carlos Baier; Javier Muñoz; Galina Mirzaeva «Finite Control Set – Model Predictive Control with Improved Harmonic Rejection applied to Multi-Cell AFE Rectifier,» 2020 International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM), Sorrento, Italy, 2020, pp. 821-826, doi: 10.1109/SPEEDAM48782.2020.9161883.

  11. A. Carreno, M. Perez, C. Baier and J. Espinoza, «Modeling and Control of a Hybrid Transformer based on a Cascaded H-bridge Multilevel Converter,» IECON 2020 The 46th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Singapore, 2020, pp. 1614-1619, doi: 10.1109/IECON43393.2020.9254365.

  12. Carlos R. Baier, Roberto Cárdenas, Miguel A. Torres, Roberto Ramirez, Marcelo A. Perez, Pedro Melín «Hybrid Transformers with Virtual Inertia for Future Distribution Networks » 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2019, pp. 6637,6642, Oct. 14 to 17, 2019.

  13. Alvaro Carreno, Marcelo Perez, Carlos Baier, Jose Espinoza » Distribution Network Hybrid Transformer for Load Current and Grid Voltage Compensation» 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2019, pp. 6553, 6558, Oct. 14 to 17, 2019.

  14. Manuel A. Díaz, Carlos R. Baier, Felipe Rojas, Alejandro Garcés, Miguel A. Torres, Marcelo A. Perez «A Virtual Synchronous Generator Strategy for a Grid-Connected qZSI» 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2019, pp.4845,4850, Oct. 14 to 17, 2019.

  15. P.E Melin, J.I. Guzman , C.R. Baier, E.E. Espinosa R. Lizana, R. Blasco-Gimenez, Xiaoqiang Guo » Concepts of a Control Strategy for Multilevel CSC STATCOM toward Reduce its Losses using a Fixed Modulation Index » 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2019, pp. 6921,6926, Oct. 14 to 17, 2019.

  16. Rodrigo Morales, Matías Garbarino, Javier Muñoz, Carlos Baier, Jaime Rohten, Vladimir Esparza, David Dewar » Grid Connected PV System with New MPPT Estimation Method Based on Measuring Cells» 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2019, pp.2208,2213, Oct. 14 to 17, 2019.

  17. Felipe Villarroel, José Espinoza, Marcelo Pérez, Roberto Ramírez, Carlos Baier, Luis Morán» Shortest horizon FCS-MPC output voltage tracking in non-minimum phase boost-type converters » 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2019, pp.3979,3984, Oct. 14 to 17, 2019.

  18. F. Rojas-Rocco, C. Baier-Fuentes, R. Ramírez-Alegría, M. Díaz-Bustos and P. Melin-Coloma, «Application of the Zynq 7000 System in the Control of a Boost Converter,» 2019 IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON), Valparaiso, Chile, 2019, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/CHILECON47746.2019.8988015.

  19. J. Saavedra-Pinto, C. R. Baier, M. DÍaz-Bustos, E. Espinosa and P. E. MelÍn, «Predictive Control of a Single-Phase Trans-Z Source Converter,» 2019 IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON), Valparaiso, Chile, 2019, pp. 1-6, doi:10.1109/CHILECON47746.2019.8988089.

  20. E. Espinosa, P.E. Melin, J. Espinoza, C. Baier, J. Muñoz, M. Rivera, G. Mirzaeva, R. Gregor; «FCS – MPC and Feedback Quantizer applied to a Multi-Cell AFE Rectifier,» 2019 IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON), Valparaiso, Chile, 2019, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/CHILECON47746.2019.8986867.

  21. Manuel A. Díaz, Roberto Ramírez, Miguel A. Torres, Jorge Saavedra, Jaime Rohten, Carlos R. Baier «A Virtual Synchronous Generation Strategy for a Single-Phase Grid-Connected qZSI» IEEE International Telecommunications Energy Conference (INTELEC 2018), Turin, 2018, pp. 1-6. (10.1109/INTLEC.2018.8612434).

  22. Carlos R. Baier, Roberto Ramirez, Esteban Marciel, Richard Duarte, Pedro Melín, Carlos Restrepo, Eduardo Espinosa, «Direct Model Predictive Control without Steady-State Error proposed for a Cascade H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter to operate in a Microgrid» IEEE International Telecommunications Energy Conference (INTELEC 2018), Turin, 2018, pp. 1-6. (doi: 10.1109/INTLEC.2018.8612308).

  23. Bravo, A. Garcés, O. D. Montoya and C. R. Baier, «Nonlinear Analysis for the Three-Phase PLL: A New Look for a Classical Problem,» 2018 IEEE 19th Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electronics (COMPEL), Padova, Italy, 2018, pp. 1-6. (10.1109/COMPEL.2018.8460081).

  24. C. R. Baier, C. Flores, M.A. Diaz, M.A. Torres, J. Pou, P. Melin, E. Espinosa «Reducing losses in the shoot-through state of a single-phase quasi-z-source inverter,» 2017 IEEE International Telecommunications Energy Conference (INTELEC), Broadbeach, QLD, 2017, pp. 444-449. (10.1109/INTLEC.2017.8214176).

  25. Muñoz, P. Gaisse, F. Cadena, C. Baier, R. Aliaga and J. Troncoso, «Proportional resonant controller for a 27-level asymmetric multilevel STATCOM,» 2017 CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON), Pucon, 2017, pp. 1-6. (10.1109/CHILECON.2017.8229708).

  26. Cheng, P. Acuna, R. P. Aguilera, J. Jiang, J. Flecther and C. Baier, «Model predictive control for Energy Management of a hybrid energy storage system in Light Rail Vehicles,» 2017 11th IEEE International Conference on Compatibility, Power Electronics and Power Engineering (CPE-POWERENG), Cadiz, 2017, pp. 683-688. (10.1109/CPE.2017.7915255).

  27. Espinosa, J. Espinoza, C. Baier, J. Muñoz, P. Melin and R. Gregor, «Non-linear control and FCS — MPC applied to multi — Cell AFE rectifier with efficient behavior in steady state,» 2017 19th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE’17 ECCE Europe), Warsaw, 2017, pp. P.1-P.10. (10.23919/EPE17ECCEEurope.2017.8099386).

  28. Muñoz, I. Torres, J. Guzman, C. Baier, P. Melin, J. Rohten, J. Espinoza, J. Silva «Selective harmonic elimination for a 27-level asymmetric multilevel converter,» 2017 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2017 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEIC / I&CPS Europe), Milan, 2017, pp. 1-5. (10.1109/EEEIC.2017.7977626).

  29. Restrepo, C. Baier, J. Muñoz and A. Garces, «Mitigating reactive power and negative-sequence in distribution feeders with wind energy systems,» 2017 IEEE 8th International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems (PEDG), Florianopolis, 2017, pp. 1-8. (10.1109/PEDG.2017.7972439).

  30. J. Rohten , J. Silva, C. Baier, P. Melin, A. Rubio, J. Espinoza, J. Muñoz «Enhanced predictive control strategy for low sampling frequency in a multilevel topology,» 2017 IEEE Southern Power Electronics Conference (SPEC), Puerto Varas, 2017, pp. 1-6. (10.1109/SPEC.2017.8333663).

  31. J. Muñoz, P. Gaisse, F. Cadena, M. Rivera, C. Baier and C. Restrepo, «Model predictive control for a 27-level asymmetric multilevel STATic COMpensator,» 2017 IEEE Southern Power Electronics Conference (SPEC), Puerto Varas, 2017, pp. 1-6. (10.1109/SPEC.2017.8333621).

  32. F. Flores-Bahamonde, M. Rivera, C. Baier, J. Calvente, R. Giral and C. Restrepo, «DC transformer based on the versatile DC-DC noninverting buck-boost converter for fuel cell emulation,» 2017 IEEE Southern Power Electronics Conference (SPEC), Puerto Varas, 2017, pp. 1-6. (10.1109/SPEC.2017.8333636).

  33. C. R. Baier, M.A. Torres, M.A. Diaz, J. Pou, J. Guzman, C. Restrepo, J. Rothen, M. Rivera «Improving efficiency in the shoot-through state of a single-phase z-source inverter,» 2017 IEEE Southern Power Electronics Conference (SPEC), Puerto Varas, 2017, pp. 1-6. (10.1109/SPEC.2017.8333661).

  34. Silva, J. Espinoza, J. Rohten, L. Moran, E. Espinosa, C. Baier, J. Muñoz, «Extended-horizon finite-control-set predictive control of a multilevel inverter for grid-tie photovoltaic,» 2016 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), Milwaukee, WI, 2016, pp. 1-6. (10.1109/ECCE.2016.7855104).

  35. Muñoz, P. Gaisse, C. Baier, M. Rivera, R. Gregor and P. Zanchetta, «Asymmetric multilevel topology for photovoltaic energy injection to microgrids,» 2016 IEEE 17th Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electronics (COMPEL), Trondheim, 2016, pp. 1-6 (10.1109/COMPEL.2016.7556665).

  36. Ramírez, J. Espinoza and C. Baier, «Operating region of a power cell in a CHB based topology operating at reduced second harmonic,» IECON 2016 – 42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Florence, 2016, pp. 5058-5063 (10.1109/IECON.2016.7793955).

  37. Carlos R. Baier, Miguel Torres, Javier A. Muñoz , Marco Rivera A., Eduardo Espinosa N., Pablo Acuña “Bidirectional Power Flow Control of a Single-Phase Current-Source Grid-Tie Battery Energy Storage System” 2015 IEEE 24rd International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), pp.1452,1457, 3-5 June 2015 (10.1109/ISIE.2015.7281673).

  38. Javier Muñoz, Jaime Rohten, Carlos Baier, Marco Rivera, Eduardo Espinosa, Roberto Ramírez, “Design of an Asymmetric Multilevel Shunt Active Power Filter” 2015 IEEE 24rd International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), pp.1138,1143, 3-5 June 2015 (10.1109/ISIE.2015.7281619).

  39. Rivera, M. Perez, C. Baier, J. Muñoz, V. Yaramasu, B. Wu, L. Tarisciotti, P. Zanchetta, P. Wheeler, “Predictive Current Control with Fixed Switching Frequency for an NPC Converter” 2015 IEEE 24rd International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), pp.1104,1109, 3-5 June 2015 (10.1109/ISIE.2015.7281614).

  40. Miguel Torres and Carlos Baier “Design of a Virtual Synchronous Generator Strategy for a Single-Phase Current-Source Inverter” 2015 IEEE 24rd International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), pp.530,535, 3-5 June 2015 (10.1109/ISIE.2015.7281515).

  41. Munoz, Javier; Rohten Jaime; Espinoza Jose; Melin, Pedro; Carlos Baier; Rivera, Marco, «Review of current control techniques for a cascaded H-Bridge STATCOM,» IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT 2015), pp.3085,3090, 17-19 March 2015 (10.1109/ICIT.2015.7125554).

  42. Carlos R. Baier, Torres, Miguel; Munoz, Javier A.; Mauricio, Juan M.; Rohten, Jaime; Rivera, Marco, «Nonlinear control strategy for current source cascaded H-bridge inverters — An approach considering single-phase DQ components,» IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT 2015), pp.3079,3084, 17-19 March 2015 (10.1109/ICIT.2015.7125553).

  43. Rohten, Jaime; Espinoza, Jose; Silva, Jose; Munoz, Javier; Sbarbaro, Daniel; Carlos Baier; Espinosa, Eduardo, «Operating region and control for power converters connected to a variable frequency and amplitude voltage grid supply,» IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT 2015), pp.1094,1099, 17-19 March 2015 (10.1109/ICIT.2015.7125243).

  44. Mauricio, Juan M.; Torres, Miguel; Carlos Baier, Silva, Jose, «Enhanced average model for current source converter hybrid simulations,» IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT 2015), pp.2520,2525, 17-19 March 2015 (10.1109/ICIT.2015.7125469).

  45. Torres Miguel; Carlos Baier; Mauricio Juan M.; Silva Jose, «Non-linear control of a grid-connected multi-cell photovoltaic inverter that operates under variable temperature and irradiance,» IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT 2015), pp.2855,2862, 17-19 March 2015.

  46. Rivera M., Morales F., Baier C., Munoz J., Tarisciotti L., Zanchetta P., Wheeler P., «A modulated model predictive control scheme for a two-level voltage source inverter,» IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT 2015) , pp.2224,2229, 17-19 March 2015.

  47. Munoz J., Baier C., Espinoza J., Espinosa E., Guzman J., Rivera M., «Operating region comparison of symmetric and asymmetric Multilevel Shunt Active Power Filters,» 2014 IEEE 23rd International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), pp.606,611, 1-4 June 2014.

  48. Rivera M., Rodriguez J., Espinoza J., Olloqui A., Wheeler P., Zanchetta P., Baier C.; Munoz J., «Two predictive control techniques for output voltage control and improvement of the source currents in an indirect matrix converter,» 2014 IEEE 23rd International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), pp.1420,1426, 1-4 June 2014.

  49. Rohten J., Espinoza J., Villarroel F., Munoz, J., Melin P., Baier C., Perez M., «Discrete synchronism methods for polluted single phase and unbalanced three-phase systems,» 2014 IEEE 23rd International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), pp.1347,1352, 1-4 June 2014.

  50. Melin P.E., Espinoza J.R., Rohten J.A., Espinosa E.E., Baier C.R., Guzman J.I., «Cascaded H-Bridge topologies comparison for multi-cell current-source inverters under different DC inductor size reduction methods,» 40th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2014, pp.4568,4574, Oct. 29 2014-Nov. 1 2014.

  51. Guzman J.I., Perez M.A., Melin P.E., Espinoza J.R., Baier C.R., «Predictive control of modular current source converters,» 40th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2014, pp.1720,1726, Oct. 29 2014-Nov. 1 2014.

  52. Baier C.R., Torres M.A., Munoz J., Guzman J.I., Melin P.E., Rothen J., Rivera M. «d-q-DC reference frame control strategy for single-phase current source cascaded inverters,» 40th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2014, pp.4615,4621, Oct. 29 2014-Nov. 1 2014.

  53. Torres M., Baier C.; Silva J., Espinoza J., «On the control of a grid-connected photovoltaic plant under non-uniform insolation,» 40th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2014 , 5565,5570, Oct. 29 2014-Nov. 1 2014.

  54. Rohten J., Melin, P., Espinoza , Silva J., Espinosa E., Munoz J., Baier C., «Resonant control for multi-cell cascaded H-Bridge topologies based on current source inverters,» 40th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2014, pp.1754,1759, Oct. 29 2014-Nov. 1 2014.

  55. C.R. Baier, P.E. Melin, J.I. Guzman, M. Rivera, J.A. Muñoz, J. Rothen, J. Espinoza, «Current-source cascaded multilevel converters based on single-phase power cells» 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2013, pp.6207,6212, 10-13 Nov. 2013.

  56. Zavala, P.; Rivera, M.; Kouro, S.; Rodriguez, J.; Wu, B.; Yaramasu, V.; Baier C.; Munoz, J.; Espinoza, J.; Melin, P., «Predictive control of a current source rectifier with imposed sinusoidal input currents,» 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2013, pp.5842,5847, 10-13 Nov. 2013.

  57. Munoz, J.; Baier C; Espinoza, J.; Rivera, M.; Guzman, J.; Rohten, J., «Switching losses analysis of an asymmetric multilevel Shunt Active Power Filter,» 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2013, pp.8534,8539, 10-13 Nov. 2013.

  58. Rohten, J.; Espinoza, J.; Villarroel, F.; Munoz, J.; Baier C.; Melin, P.; Sbarbaro, D., «Predictive control for static power converters working in wide frequency ranges,» 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2013, pp.5830,5835, 10-13 Nov. 2013.

  59. Espinosa, E.; Espinoza, J.; Ramirez, R.; Reyes, M.; Melin, P.; Munoz, J.; Baier, C., «Finite Control Set – Model Predictive Control applied to multicell rectifiers,» 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2013, pp.5800,5805, 10-13 Nov. 2013.

  60. Munoz, Javier; Baier, Carlos; Espinoza, Jose; Guzman, Johan; Rohten, Jaime; Melin, Pedro, «A comprehensive control strategy for an asymmetric multilevel Shunt Active Power Filter,» IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), 2013, pp.432,437, 25-28 Feb. 2013.

  61. Melin, P.E.; Baier, C.R.; Espinoza, J.R.; Munoz, J.A.; Ramirez, R.R.; Maurelia, E.A., «On the DC inductors size reduction in a multi-cell topology based on current source converters by means of magnetic couplings,» 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2013 – , pp.6275,6280, 10-13 Nov. 2013.

  62. Rivera, M.; Munoz, J.; Baier, C.; Rodriguez, J.; Espinoza, J.; Yaramasu, V.; Wu, B.; Wheeler, P., «A simple predictive current control of a single-phase matrix converter,» Power Engineering, Fourth International Conference on Energy and Electrical Drives (POWERENG), 2013, pp.235,239, 13-17 May 2013.

  63. Munoz, J.; Espinoza, J.; Baier, C.; Moran, L.; Guzman, J.; Rohten, J., «Asymmetric multilevel STATCOM to compensate reactive power and current harmonics,» IECON 2012 – 38th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society , vol., no., pp.4929,4934, 25-28 Oct. 2012.

  64. Baier, C.R.; Muñoz, J.A.; Guzman, J.I.; Espinoza, J.R.; Melin, P.E., «Reducing harmonics and DC-Link capacitors in cascaded multilevel converters using inter-cell magnetic couplings,» IECON 2012 – 38th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society , vol., no., pp.4992,4997, 25-28 Oct. 2012

  65. Melin, P.E.; Espinoza, J.R.; Baier, C.R.; Rohten, J.A.; Ramirez, R.O.; Moran, L.A., «Improved control scheme towards reduced DC link inductors in a Multi-Cell Topology based on Current Source Converters,» IECON 2012 – 38th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society , vol., no., pp.488,493, 25-28 Oct. 2012

  66. Guzman, J.I.; Baier, C.R.; Espinoza, J.R.; Melin, P.E.; Munoz, J.A., «Comparison of CSI and VSI based modular rectifiers with magnetic AC coupling for large current and low voltage applications,» IECON 2012 – 38th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society , vol., no., pp.293,298, 25-28 Oct. 2012

  67. Munoz, J.A.; Espinoza, J.R.; Baier, C.R.; Moran, L.A.; Guzman, J.I.; , «Modular harmonic cancellation in a multilevel STATCOM,» IECON 2011 – 37th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society , vol., no., pp.4146-4151, 7-10 Nov. 2011.

  68. Guzman, J.I.; Baier, C.R.; Espinoza, J.R.; Melin, P.E.; Munoz, J.A.; Guinez, G.; , «Design of modular rectifiers with magnetic AC coupling for large current and low voltage applications,» IECON 2011 – 37th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society , vol., no., pp.4415-4420, 7-10 Nov. 2011.

  69. Baier, C.R.; Munoz, J.A.; Espinoza, J.R.; Melin, P.E.; Guzman, J.I.; Moran, L.A.; , «Improving power quality in cascade multilevel converters based on single-phase non-regenerative power cells,» IECON 2011 – 37th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society , vol., no., pp.4192-4197, 7-10 Nov. 2011.

  70. Melin, P.E.; Espinoza, J.R.; Baier, C.R.; Guzman, J.I.; Espinosa, E.E.; , «Unified Power Quality Conditioner based on current source converters for harmonic mitigation using a decoupled control strategy,» IECON 2011 – 37th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society , vol., no., pp.4152-4157, 7-10 Nov. 2011.

  71. Muñoz, J.A.; Espinoza, J.R.; Espinosa, E.E.; Baier, C.R.; Melín, P.E.; , «Design of a discrete-time linear control scheme for a modular UPQC,» Industrial Electronics (ISIE), 2010 IEEE International Symposium on , vol., no., pp.2563-2568, 4-7 July 2010.

  72. Muñoz, J.A.; Espinoza, J.R.; Espinosa, E.E.; Baier, C.R.; Melin, P.E.; , «Systematic design comparison of discrete-time linear controllers for a DSTATCOM,» Industrial Electronics (ISIE), 2010 IEEE International Symposium on , vol., no., pp.1103-1109, 4-7 July 2010.

  73. Baier, C.R.; Espinoza, J.R.; Melin, P.E.; Espinoza, E.; Muñoz, J.; , «A novel multi-level CSI based topology with inter-cell magnetic couplings for minimum DC storage components,» Industrial Electronics (ISIE), 2010 IEEE International Symposium on, 3193-3198, 4-7 July 2010.

  74. Guiñez, G.A.; Guzmán, J.I.; Espinoza, J.R.; Baier, C.R.; Melín, P.E.; , «Improvements in harmonic mitigation for multilevel AC-Drives for high power applications,» Industrial Electronics (ISIE), 2010 IEEE International Symposium on, pp.2921-2926, 4-7 July 2010.

  75. Baier, C.R.; Melín, P.E.; Espinoza, J.R.; Muñoz, J.; Guzmán, J.I.; , «A novel multi-level topology based on current source power cells for high performance applications,» Industrial Technology (ICIT), 2010 IEEE International Conference on, pp.1333-1338, 14-17 March 2010.

  76. Melín, P.E.; Espinoza, J.R.; Muñoz, J.A.; Baier, C.R.; Espinosa, E.E.; , «Decoupled control of a Unified Power Quality Conditioner based on a current source topology for fast AC mains disturbance compensation,»Industrial Technology (ICIT), 2010 IEEE International Conference on, 730-736, 14-17 March 2010.

  77. Melin, P.E.; Espinoza, J.R.; Muñoz, J.A.; Baier, C.R.; Espinosa, E.E.; , «Concepts of decoupled control for a shunt active filter based on multilevel current source converters,» Industrial Electronics (ISIE), 2010 IEEE International Symposium on , vol., no., pp.742-747, 4-7 July 2010.

  78. Baier, C.R.; Espinoza, J.R.; Moran, L.A.; Sepulveda, C.A.; Landaeta, L.M.; , «A convenient form to connect single-phase cells to multi-pulse transformers in unbalanced systems,» Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 2008. PESC 2008. IEEE , vol., no., pp.3748-3753, 15-19 June 2008.

  79. Sepulveda, C.A.; Munoz, J.A.; Espinoza, J.R.; Baier, C.R.; , «Multiobjective LMI-based controller design for reactive power compensation in a DSTATCOM,» Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 2008. PESC 2008. IEEE , pp.724-730, 15-19 June 2008.

  80. Baier, C.R.; Espinoza, J.R.; Moran, L.A.; Guzman, J.I.; Muoz, J.A.; , «Multi-cell topologies for three-phase systems operating under unbalanced AC mains and asymmetrical loads,» Industrial Electronics, 2008. IECON 2008. 34th Annual Conference of IEEE , vol., no., pp.3284-3289, 10-13 Nov. 2008.

  81. Sepulveda, C.A.; Espinoza, J.R.; Landaeta, L.M.; Baier, C.R.; , «Operating Regions Comparison of VSC-based Custom Power Devices,» IEEE Industrial Electronics, IECON 2006 – 32nd Annual Conference on , vol., no., pp.5344-5349, 6-10 Nov. 2006.

  82. Landaeta, L.M.; Sepulveda, C.A.; Espinoza, J.R.; Baier, C.R.; , «A Mixed LQRI / PI based Control for Three-Phase UPQCs,» IEEE Industrial Electronics, IECON 2006 – 32nd Annual Conference on , vol., no., pp.2494-2499, 6-10 Nov. 2006.

  83. Perez, M.A.; Baier, C.R.; Espinoza, J.R.; Rodriguez, J.R., «Analysis of a Multi-Cell Converter under Unbalanced AC Source,» Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 2005. PESC ’05. IEEE 36th , vol., no., pp.1011,1017, 16-16 June 2005.

  84. Baier, C.R.; Perez, M.A.; Espinoza, J.R.; Rodriguez, J.R., «Analysis of a multi-cell topology implemented with single-phase non-regenerative cells under an unbalanced AC mains,» 31st Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2005. IECON 2005, Nov. 2005.